[info]magic_helmet in [info]sshp_prophet

SS/HP Prophet for June 11 - 19

Works In Progress
[x] Oliver.snape: The Coiners' Paper Trail is up to Chapter 3 [M]
[x] annescriblerian: Trapped, Chapter 1 [NC-17] a sequel to Perfect
[x] iulia-linnea: Getting Severus Married is updated with Chapter Fifty-Two [NC-17] with Blaise/Hermione and others
[x] nekofreaks: One Way Or Another, Chapter 1 [R to NC-17]
[x] nekofreakz: posted Take Me To Your Arms, Ch. 9-12 [NC-17]

Drabbles And Ficlets
[x] alisanne: Feeling Secure [G]
[x] alisanne: Indulging his Vice [PG]
[x] alisanne: Perfect Collaboration [G]
[x] alisanne: Worth It [PG]
[x] celandineb: Incognito [general] Severus/Harry/Draco
[x] celandineb: Refusal [General]
[x] danikos_realms: Listening [PG]
[x] emynn: Building a Future [R]
[x] fancypantsdylan: Punishment Time [NC-17]
[x] lilyseyes: Breathe Lesson [NC-17]
[x] scriblerian: If You Beg [R]
[x] torino10154: Dinner Date [PG-13}
[x] torino10154: Fishing for Information [PG]
[x] torino10154: Germ Factories [PG]

Art And Icons
[x] tripperfunster: Snarry Art for Dementordelta [NWS]
[x] veridari: As the Fur Settles - SeverusBears and HarryBears

[x] snape_potter: announced that all Snape_Potter Fests Now Have Collections on AO3 and WTP
[x] snape_potter: announced the Fix It Fest (July 15-31)
[x] snarry100: announced Challenge 271: Men Behaving Badly

This Newsletter
[x] Send your Snape/Harry news to sshp.prophet@gmail.com!



unwell by socksfordobby was updated. i emailed ages ago and it didnt get put on the newsletter!
I have next week's edition so I'll be sure to include it.