The Internet: Serious Business - September 9th, 2007
can it be a hugs tiem now?

Dio posting in The Internet: Serious Business
User: [info]srz_bznz (posted by [info]diachrony)
Date: 2007-09-09 20:46
Subject: social networking site spam scam: beware Quechup
Security: Public
Tags:site scams

If you get an email invite purporting to be from a friend and it turns out to be for a social networking service called "Quechup," don't even bother. Just delete it. They are indeed a social networking site, but their registry process, if you're not careful, allows them (without even warning you) to spam your entire address book.
TechBlog warns us in Spam Alert: Just Say No to Quechup and Matt Staggs offers a comprehensive link roundup on the scam.

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srz bznz
January 2008