The Internet: Serious Business - August 19th, 2007
can it be a hugs tiem now?

Dio posting in The Internet: Serious Business
User: [info]srz_bznz (posted by [info]diachrony)
Date: 2007-08-19 08:29
Subject: that live execution video on LJ
Security: Public
Tags:free speech, hate crimes, international blogging, livejournal, six apart

[info]stoney posts on the latest Serious Business: Full Cocked:

Because who wants to go off half-cocked? So yesterday, it came to light in the US that a Russian LJ blogger posted a live execution video on his LJ a few days ago. NPR reported this yesterday afternoon, even though it happened a few days ago. Last night, I saw many people's posts of outrage: How could LJ let that be shown, but the Snarry pic was removed? How can you stay on this service? And so on and so on. [ ... ].

Much research into the situation around Russians and their (non)free speech situation and exactly how much involvement LJ has with SUP (the service that actually runs the Russian blog system). A must read. Also posted at her LJ.

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srz bznz
January 2008