Some Reality Connection
SR CONNECT is for potential characters to discuss plot prior to submitting an application for [info]somerealitymods. Players do not need to join the community to post. This is not a permission community, but a place to discuss plot prior to submitting an application so that no character or player within a single fandom is accidentally left out.

January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.

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February 28th, 2021



Star Wars

Hello! I am a potential new player. My name is Allie, I believe I know a good portion of people here, and I'm looking at bringing in Rey Skywalker to the game! I reached out to Poe and Luke on their contact posts respectively, and can withdraw if there are any major objections. I would like to pull her from the end of Rise Of The Skywalker, as I would like to keep all of the character development she got throughout the course of the movies. I've honestly been debating joining for awhile now, and am at a point where I can handle a second game with one character, and Rey is a character that I've wanted to play and explore for awhile now. Star Wars itself is a fandom that I have a lot of love for, and is very close to my heart, though I found it intimidating in an rp sense for a long time, and have only recently started playing characters from it.

I am definitely open to talking plotting and such with her, on this post, or I can be reached for plotting either on the contact post on this journal,, msalliepants#9244 on Discord, or my cdj [info]msalliepants (which feel free to add).