Some Reality Connection
SR CONNECT is for potential characters to discuss plot prior to submitting an application for [info]somerealitymods. Players do not need to join the community to post. This is not a permission community, but a place to discuss plot prior to submitting an application so that no character or player within a single fandom is accidentally left out.

January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.

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December 28th, 2019



[No Subject]

Uh so. I have seven characters and I'm one character away from a nice number, and there's been a lot of Star Wars talk lately, and it's not helped my Ben Skywalker to quiet the fuck down. Not Solo, but Skywalker.




[No Subject]

This is a shout out to all of my TVD people. Because we can't have Damon in pain or angsty for too long, I'm looking to pick up Elena. I haven't 100% decided on what canon point she will be from, but it will definitely be from one of the later seasons. I'm toying with her popping into Goodland directly after Kai knocks her into her coma.

Any objections?



[No Subject]

Hi all

Em here and I know I've been on a terrible hiatus (read: I've posted with Karen once), but I love my man Steve here with all my heart and when returned from Hiatus in the coming week would love the chance to play him here if there's no objections?



MCU (ish)

This is Julia and I did a thing because Thor deserves his daughter. I already floated the idea with Steph and Amber, but I'd love to establish some more connections. Torunn is going to be 14/15 (still deciding) and not accustomed to living a "normal" life. She is going to be freaked about her dad, but want to know him. I'd love for her relationship with him to spill over to some of his other friendships, MCU or otherwise. As for Tony, this Tony is not her Tony and she will mostly be weirded out and not want anything to do with him. She was briefly played before and Tony was used to that so my headspace is clear. Just pretend Tony knows she is here and cares, but in the "she is Thor's daughter" way, not in the ~his~ daughter way. She also wants all the brother/sister type moments with James and wants to get to know the people he cares about.

Application is not completely done, but there is enough to get a feel for her in this journal.

P.S. I'm online way more than expected because half my family has the stomach bug. I don't want to promise to keep up this level of activity throughout Jan. 1, but who knows?!