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HELLO EVERYONE [17 Jun 2016|01:12pm]

since i am the worst person in the world, i was updating the custom directory yesterday and i accidentally deleted it! so instead of right away throwing up a new up, i contacted the mods about maybe just doing a all encompassing directory for the community and they said that it's fine! SO! if you could comment here with the following, i'd love that:

character's first & last name
hogwarts house or school
birthday & occupation
a link to their custom page

thank you! i am hoping to have this up over next week, by weds. latest.

hello owlpost [15 Jun 2016|02:40pm]
hello everyone! i hope it's okay that i'm using this even though it hasn't been used much. this is wally davenport, ravenclaw and resident artist. i just wanted to throw him out there for basic connections. i'm all about going the organic route and having fun! but a little on him is that he's 21 and has a stutter and has since school and for awhile at school he was treated badly for it. he's always been pretty shy and quiet, an introvert in every way possible. he's a sensitive person but he's known for being very thoughtful and caring toward most people even if he hasn't known them long. he's artistic and primarily draws and paints. currently he works as a broom maker. he trained to do it basically because he was curious and has stuck with it since leaving school. he likes exercising his brain, doing puzzles and anything artsy basically like crafts and photography. again, a few minor connections would be lovely! neighbors or other brookmakers!

planning & ideas [31 May 2016|03:29pm]

thanks for responding! i'd love to spend this time while you're holding/applying/whatever to discuss what we wanna see going forward. should we be an invite only gpsl or just generally leave it open while playing!

i'd love to kick start with a silly plot & group thread that has short replies but lots of potential for fun. perhaps some sort of summer event where various characters get 'slipped' a polyjuice potion with a hair from another character! it would only last a few hours in the thread and could be a great starting off point for everyone.

i'd love more thoughts on that and what you'd love to see to really make this place last for awhile. we can also use this post to discuss lines and plots and everything in between.

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