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Shoot Spot Random

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[09 Aug 2012|09:38am]
First class on the way to one of the more hostile cities I've ever performed in and what else does the guy one seat over from me decide to do but pull up 12 Rounds on his iPad. At least he was cool enough to put a headphone splitter in and ask if I wanted to watch with him.

"so gimme the scoop man, are you gonna pop the question or what? Hey I'm just saying, you move in with the lady and the ring usually comes next."
"Bro, it's been two weeks. You've lived with like, fourteen different girls."
"Why yes I did but I'm sexier than you. I mean a freakishly large man such as yourself is gonna keep a fine woman like Molly you gotta put her in cuffs."

Yeah, they just as easily could have casted Randy as Hank in that movie because that's a conversation that I swear I just had a few days ago with him.
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[ viewing | August 9th, 2012 ]
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