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Apr. 18th, 2008


Ben Bass//Javier Vachon: 100 Icons

So, as much as I love Forever Knight, I have to admit, it's an incredibly dimly lit. So in the process of making it not too dark, while keeping the "moody shadows" I might have gone a little filter crazy. Just a little... Okay, a lot. :P

Images taken from my screencap collection, all of these are from the two Black Buddha episodes. Which is why he's a bit scratched up in a lot of these. Cut him some slack, he's having a really bad few nights. ;) Some icons have shots with Urs, Screed, Tracy, and Nick -- not all at once. In fact, I may have had too much fun with the cropping for some of them, like, oh, Tracy's "kidnapping".


As usual, comments are awesome. Credit [info]spookicons or [info]spookycandy if you are using them.
To The Icons! )

Nov. 5th, 2007


John Amplas//Martin: 150 icons

I think this may be my biggest icon batch to date. *boggles* 150 icons. I'm not happy with all of them, but I learned a lot while making these.

This is John Amplas, portraying the titular character in the movie Martin. He is officially the creepiest vampire I've ever seen in a movie. Also the most tragic. I don't want to get into why, just bear in mind that this is a bizarre movie. (Although I probably will blab away if asked. lol) I guess that's what you should expect from George Romero, who, btw, appears in the movie, along with Tom Savini. One day, I may cap them, and icon them as well.


To The Icons! )

Nov. 3rd, 2007


Cassandra Peterson//Elvira: 36 Icons

Okay, so it's late, and it's not the amount I wanted. However, I wanted to get these out there before I totally lost my context/inspiration. Meep.

Elvira, Mistress of the Dark. Just, yay. I love her. She's so perky. lol

I was messing around with the icons, trying to get them sharp and preventing them from being too dark. However, I may have overdone it on some of these icons. I may redo some of them, but they're still nifty, IMO, and they're Elvira.


To the Icons! )

Oct. 12th, 2007


Geraint Wyn Davies//Nick Knight: 35 icons

I've been capping Forever Knight episodes, and decided to make some icons from them. These are all from the Season 3 episode: "Outside The Lines". A few of these aren't exactly PB-ready. I don't think so at least, I'm not sure. However, I thought they'd be useful for setting the "scenes" so to speak. Anyway, I like them, and I got kind of bored with closeups of Nick. There are some group shots here, with Tracy and Natalie.

Credit [info]spookicons if you're using them. Comments are great. Enjoy!


To the Icons! )

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