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Sep. 25th, 2007


Not With a Leap, But a Series of Staggers, Pt. 2

TITLE: Not With a Leap, But a Series of Staggers, Pt. 2/3
GENRE: Angst/Drama (with a happy ending)
NOTES: AU after ELoC. Go read Part 1
WARNING: Wincest! Explicit.
DISCLAIMER: If they were mine... oh, how different life would be.
WORD COUNT: 9,983 (I am beyond possessed)
SUMMARY: Wherein Sam and Dean both try to survive finding out things they'd rather not know. Now with actual sex!

Dad’s dead. Dad’s dead because of him, and it isn’t right, and it isn’t fair, and it hurts, bone deep and soul hard, an ache that suffuses his entire body. He lies in bed and stares at the wall, spends the days and nights in a torpor, trying to ignore that even deeper down than all that, is the anger that his Dad left him behind with all of this on his shoulders.

( Not With a Leap, But a Series of Staggers, Pt. 2/3 )

Sep. 20th, 2007


Family Tradition

TITLE: Family Tradition
PAIRING: None (shades of Sam/Dean)
DISCLAIMER: If I owned them, I wouldn't share.
SUMMARY: A father and his two boys and the open road. That's the way it's always been.

( The Impala kicks up desert dust, summer sun catching in the driver’s side mirror. He rests his hand on it, tilts it outward down the side of the car, to where he can see its long smooth, black side, sailing down the highway. )

Aug. 11th, 2007


Heart (John, Sam/Dean) PG-13

Title: Heart
Author: Black Raven
Characters/Pairings: John, Sam/Dean
Word Count: 2,000 (about)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: John walks in on his sons in a compromising position, and must come to terms. Very small crossover with Lost Boys.
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Incest, Sexual Content (non-descriptive)
Disclaimer: I do not own or claim to own any characters, places, settings, or anything else recognizable as belonging to the tv show Supernatural. I also do not claim to own any people, places, settings, etc, from the movie the Lost Boys.

Heart )

Jun. 22nd, 2007


Dioscouri. Sam/Dean. NC-17. 1/1

Title: Dioscouri
Author: Monster of Hope
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Someone slips Dean a love potion. Sam distracts him with romantic comedies. Less cracktastic than it sounds. First-time stand-alone. Spoilers for 02x15. Word count 7,985.
Disclaimer: Kripke made Supernatural. I made this.

Read the story in my InsaneJournal.

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August 2011



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