May 28th, 2011

[info]aaronlisa in [info]spn_fic


I am in the process of re-vamping the community's tags.

If you should need a tag, including a tag for a character, pairing or an author tag, please leave a comment here. In most cases, all requests for tags should be responded to within a 24 hour period.

how to tag )
Tags: ,

[info]aaronlisa in [info]spn_fic

ADMIN: Paging a mod

Interested in affiliating with the community?

Need a mod to ask a question about one of the rules?

Need a moderator for any reason?

This is the post to leave a message for a moderator. Comments are typically responded to within a 24 hour period.

If you're looking for a tag, please reply at this post.

[info]aaronlisa in [info]spn_fic

FIC: The Ache of Leaving (FR13, implied Dean/Lisa)

Title: The Ache of Leaving
Author: [info]aaronlisa
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing/Characters: Dean Winchester with mentions of Sam Winchester, Lisa Braeden, Ben Braeden (implied Dean/Lisa)
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Supernatural belongs to Eric Kripke and company.
Prompts: Written for LJ's 500themes for #9 (sensation of loss).
Notes: Set at the beginning of Season Six.
Summary: Dean doesn't want to leave the life he has now.
Word Count: 435

The Ache of Leaving

[info]aaronlisa in [info]spn_fic


To liven up the community a little, I'm hosting a comment ficathon here at [info]spn_fic.

The rules are pretty straight-forward:

01. Your prompt must revolve around Supernatural. Crossovers with other fandoms are allowed. If you do request a crossover, please be clear as to which fandom you're wanting.

02. Any character or pairing is allowed except for RPF/RPS. Unless of course, it's within the framework of episode 6x15 "The French Mistake."

03. In order to paritipate, you leave a comment with a character and/or pairing and a prompt. You respond to prompts that you like.

04. When replying to a prompt, please fill the subject line of your reply as follows:


05. Please leave feedback.

06. Please be aware that there will be spoilers in this post for Season Six and potentially for Season Seven.

07. If your fic is too long to be posted in the comments, that's fine. Simply link back to where your fic is fully posted.

08. When posting, please try to follow the following example:
Character/Pairing, prompt --> Sam, the ghosts that haunt me.

09. Finally, please spread the word.