August 20th, 2007

[info]amaleka_crone in [info]spn_fic

Mod Post: To Challenge, or not to challenge?

Okay, here's the thing. I really want this asylum to have a kick-ass header/layout, and I want that header/layout to be centered around the two Winchester boys. Problem? I'm crap with graphics, and even if I wasn't, I wouldn't even be able to begin working on a personalized layout, because I have not those skills.

Here is my proposal:

We hold a graphics challenge (I am more than willing to bend my 'fic only' rule if it is for the betterment of this community) and you as the audience vote on which piece of Winchester-related awesome should visually represent us to the rest of IJ.

Then another one of you lovely people could A: teach me how to install whichever awesome work of art is voted for, or B: be temporarily granted access to the customization aspects of this asylum and add said awesome work of art to a layout that would suit this community.

If you are graphically-inclined and would like to participate in this challenge I ask only, at this time, that you comment to this post. Once I know how many people are interested, I'll hammer out the details (such as a deadline).

Depending on interest levels, I might consider posting monthly fic challenges. So, let me know also what you all think about that.

I'd also like you all to know that I will be adding a mandatory tagging system to this community soon- I'll make a separate post about that. For now, continue posting as you are- when the time comes, I will alert everyone to these changes.

Thank you!