June 4th, 2007

[info]amaleka_crone in [info]spn_fic

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[info]amaleka_crone in [info]spn_fic

Inter-Caliginosus (Dean, Sam, OFC) R

Title: Inter-Caliginosus (Ch 1)
Author: [info]amaleka_crone
Characters/Pairings: Dean, Sam, OFC. No pairing as of yet, but it will probably become shippy before too long.
Word Count: 4,406
Rating: R
Summary: Demons reside within, and without. And on occasion, if you're very unlucky, they collide.
Spoilers: Contains spoilers for S1, and very early S2. Story veers AU in very early S2 terrain.
Warnings: Well, first off, you will note The Dreaded OFC. However, I spent a lot of time with her, un-MarySued her as much as humanly possible, and have become quite attached. In addition, this fic will probably go into adult territory as it progresses. As of now, we have swearing. Lots of swearing. Also, references to drug use, of a vaguely explicit nature.
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I own nothing whatsoever Winchester related. I'm only borrowing the boys, and gaining nothing monetarily from their use. Caitlyn Moss, however, does belong to me.

Author's note the first: Origin of title )

Author's note the second: The extraordinary [info]kyria deserves many gun-toting Deans and studious Sams for her invaluable beta-skillz and encouragement. All remaining mistakes within this fic are mine and mine alone.

The air whistled out of his lungs and he swore, long and low, catching a glimpse of dull black as it flashed through the air towards him.

Crossposted to my journal.