August 18th, 2007

[info]reijamira in [info]spn_fans

The SPN Season Two DVDs gag reel

Hi! This is my first post here and my first post ever to an asylum! (Oooah, very important moment)

I'm not 100% sure whether this is allowed here, if it's not, dear mod, please feel free to delete it. But since it is SPN related I think it's okay!


Slight spoilers for SPN 1 and SPN 2

I was just checking my friends page over at my ElJay when I stumbled across something I deem highly interesting! Remember the gag reel from the Season One SPN DVDs? I love these gag reels! Apparently the gag reel of the Season Two DVDs is much longer. The DVDs are due to hit stores September 11, but as it seems alli-everyday already got hers. Anyway, she gave away some things we can look forward to, such as:

-Jared getting a giant bucket of water dumped on him.
-Jared wiggling his ass in front of the camera and then ripping his pants.
-Jensen eating alot of food.
-Jared giving Jensen a GIGANTIC smack on the ass.
-Jared and Jensen fighting on the bed (you remember the episode that's from, right?) then falling off of it.
-Jared and Jensen making each other laugh and mess up their lines CONSTANTLY.

I thought alli-everyday had also posted a link to YouTube but unfortunately there was none. I guess there will be one soon enough! However, I'm all for the Jared-giving-Jensen-a-GIGANTIC-smack-on-the-ass-thingie! Muhaha, we all know Jared "The Climber" Padalecki likes to climb Jensen (evidence here @ my own ij) and now he takes it to the next level and goes for ass smacking! I don't mind at all!

December 2009

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