March 2024




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Jul. 25th, 2016


Who: Peggy and Eggsy - Peggsy!
Where: Mitchell's pub
What: Talking and a lot of gin
When: Monday night
Rating: Low
Open: Not really
Status: Ongoing

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Jul. 22nd, 2016


Left for Steve and Peggy )

Jul. 17th, 2016


Who: Bucky and Peggy
Where: The Cottage
What: Post Dream, freakout, begging
When: After this (it was only a dream)
Rating: Lots of snot, and drool, and tears.
Open: Only to Steve.
Status: Ongoing
~~~~~~~~ )

Jul. 5th, 2016


Who: Bucky, Peggy, and Steve
Where: the cottage.
What: Bucky confesses.
When: After this
Rating: Badwords and screaming, talk about adultery.
Open: No
Status: Ongoing
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )

May. 19th, 2016


Who: Bucky and Peggy
Where: Their Cottage
What: Sexy stuff
When: After This
Open: To Steve
Status: Ongoing.

Where's the beef. )

Apr. 25th, 2016


Who: Steve and Peg
When: Backdated to 22nd April, 6pm ish
Where: The cottage
What: Dinner, dancing, confessions
Warnings: Discussion of post-natal depression
Open: Cottage residents later, please ask first

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Mar. 26th, 2016


Who: Peggy and Eggsy then Peggy and her boys
Where: The cottage and hospital
What: Labouring
When: Saturday mid-morning
Rating: High for language
Open: See above
Status: Ongoing

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Jan. 2nd, 2016


Who: Peggy and Steve
Where: The cottage
What: Hormones
When: Saturday
Rating: Highhighhigh

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Dec. 30th, 2015


Who: Peggy and Eggsy
Where: Unsure yet
What: Peggy is herself! Eggsy is... also herself... eh
When: Backdated! To that brief window of time where Peggy wasn't the Winter Soldier any more and Eggsy was still a girl
Rating: girly

*~*~*~*~*~* )

Dec. 29th, 2015


Who: Peggy and Mouse
Where: the cottage
What: talking and stuff
When: Tuesday morning
Rating: low
Open: to Steve or Bucky
Status: ongoing
~~~~~~ )

Dec. 25th, 2015


Presents for lots of people )

Dec. 11th, 2015


Who: The Winter Soldiers
Where: The hospital
What: Meeting and possibly talking
When: Thursday evening
Rating: High for possible talk of torture
Open: Nope
Status: Ongoing
~~~~~~ )

Dec. 8th, 2015


Who: Winter Soldier Peggy and Clint/possible others later
Where: Gradually coming back down to earth
What: Rejiggering
When: Forward dated to Wednesday 9th
Rating: Lowish
Open: Closed-ish
Status: Ongoing

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Dec. 4th, 2015


Who: James and Peggy
Where: Starting at the cottage
What: Coffee and shopping
When: After their texts
Rating: Low
Open: Maybe to Steve if he's around
Status: Ongoing
~~~~~~ )

Dec. 1st, 2015


Who: Izzy and Peggy
Where: The department store
What: Christmas shopping
When: Monday afternoon
Rating: Low
Open: Nope
Status: Thread, in progress

~~~~~~ )

Oct. 4th, 2015


Who: Katherine and Peggy
Where: Clint's shooting range
What: Shooting practice talking
When: Sunday afternoon
Rating: Low - medium
Open: Not unless you have a reason
Status: Unfinished

Sep. 24th, 2015


Left for Peggy on her doorstep

In a box left at Peggy's front door, addressed 'FAO Peggy' )

Aug. 21st, 2015


Who: Peggy
Where: The cottage
What: Tiny bump petting
When: Friday early morning
Rating: Low
Open: Yes to either Steve or Bucky

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Jul. 22nd, 2015


Who: Peggy and Eggsy, open to cottage residents
Where: Her home
What: Sympathy and fish and chips
When: Backdated to Tuesday
Rating: TBD
Open: See above
Status: Ongoing

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Jul. 18th, 2015


Who: Steve, Bucky and Peggy
Where: A hotel room in Florida/by the pool
What: All the sex
When: Saturday
Rating: High
Open: Not to anyone
Status: Ongoing

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