Who: Mouse and open Where: somewhere in the city What: Realization When: After dark the day the blackout ended Rating: TBD Open: Yes Status: Ongoing ( ~~~~~~ )
Who: Mouse and Peggy Where: the cottage What: talking When: backdated to after their texts Rating: low Open: maybe to Steve or Bucky Status: ongoing ( ~~~~~~ )
Who: Matt and Mouse Where: Matt's apartment What: The lust is strong with this one When: Tuesday afternoon Rating: Gonna go with high to be safe Open: Nope Status: Ongoing ( ~~~~~~ )
Who: Mouse and Matt Where: starting at Matt's place, then the diner What: Getting lunch When: lunch time Monday Rating: low Open: nope Status: ongoing ( ~~~~~~ )
Who: Mouse Where: The cottage What: Still not sleeping much When: Around 2am Saturday Rating: Low Open: To anybody in the cottage Status: Ongoing ( ~~~~~~ )
Who: Stevie and Mouse Where: Stevie's place What: Sibling bonding and so forth When: after this Rating: Low Open: to Mary Ellen. Status: Ongoing ( ~~~~~~ )
Who: Bucky (dad) and Mouse Where: The cottage What: Tea party When: Backdated to Sunday afternoon (2/14) Rating: Low Open: Maybe to Peggy or Steve Status: Ongoing ( ~~~~~~ )
Who: Mouse and Steve Where: The cottage What: Back in time When: After her broadcast Rating: Low Open: To Peggy or Bucky or Stevie Status: Ongoing ( ~~~~~~ )