Who: Hans and Hansel Where: Hansel's apartment What: Hans is moving out When: Early Thursday morning Rating: Low Open: Maybe to Marian Status: Narrative or ongoing ( ~~~~~~ )
Who: Hans and Sophia Where: Milan What: Having some fun When: Tuesday Rating: Two teenagers alone in a fancy hotel room Open: Nope Status: Ongoing ( ~~~~~~ )
Who: Hans and Mitchell Where: The pub What: Having a talk When: 11am the morning after their texts Rating: Most likely low Open: Nope Status: Ongoing ( ~~~~~~ )
Who: Hans and Gretel and Sophia and Mitchell Where: The apartment What: Dinner When: backdated to the 23rd around 6pm Rating: Low Open: To Marian and Hansel only. (babies are NPCs anyway lol) Status: Ongoing ( ~~~~~~ )
Who: Hans and Gretel Where: Their bedroom What: Dealing with shit When: After dinner 23rd (before invasion) Rating: Low Open: No Status: Gdoced and possibly ongoing ( ~~~~~~ )
Who: Kytana and House Where: The hospital What: After baby Suni is born When: After this and the sticky baby parts Rating: TBD Open: open to subthreads for visitors. Status: Ongoing ( ~~~~~~ )
Who: Hansel and Marian Where: Their apartment What: Hansel gets home When: Backdated to Saturday the 11th. Rating: Low Open: to Hans and maybe Sophia (if she was there) Status: Ongoing ( ~~~~~~ )
Who: Juliet and Hans (and Mina) Where: The park What: casual encounter When: Monday afternoon Rating: Most likely low Open: Nope Status: Threaded scene, in progress.
Who: Sophia, Mitchell, and Hans Where: HH What: Catching a young Jedi climbing out When: Early Morning. Rating: TBD Open: To other HH residents Status: ongoing. ( ~~~~~~~~~~ )