Who? Enjolras & Eggsy What? 'Practising' speed dating, with less time pressure. When? Wednesday Evening Where? A viewing platform Rating? TBC, definitely swearing Open? No
Who? Enjolras, Dean, Peter, Sophia, Open Where? Place Saint-Michel When? Two days after this, Dec 23rd? What? Vive la révolution! Rating There's blood n that Open? Yes, to all, feel free to subthread etc
Who: Katherine and Enjorlas Where: Through the portal What: Infiltrating the enemy When: After their conversation on the network Status: Ongoing/unfinished
Who? Enjolras & Open (or narrative) Where? The food court When? Late afternoon What? Bad dreams Open? Yes Warnings? Memories of battle / wounds / death etc.
Who? Enjolras, Rawdon, Dan, Laura Where? Near the loading bay. When? After Rawdon's CB call. What? New arrival Open? Sure. Warnings Blood, gun, talk of violence, possible war chat.