March 2024




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Mar. 3rd, 2022


Who? Hamilton & Open (or narrative)
Where? Bucky's cafe
When? Friday, early morning
What? Mosquitoes are the actual worst
Open? Yes

xoxoxoxoxo )

Feb. 26th, 2022



Who? Alexander, Kat, Liberty, and Open
Where? Town hall meeting - a lecture hall somewhere?
When? Saturday, 3pm
What? Are you ready... for a TOWN HALL MEEEEETIIIIINNGGGG?!
Open? Very

The Room Where It Happens... )

Feb. 24th, 2022


Who: OtherBucky and Hamilton
What: Drinks
Where: StationBucky's Cafe
When: After this
Status: Ongoing/Closed unless previously discussed

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )

May. 13th, 2021


Who: Everybody!
Where: Bad Things II
What: Sophia's Birthday
When: Backdated to the 11th
Rating: TBD
Open: Yes Please subthreads!!
Status: On going

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )

Jul. 5th, 2019


Who: Steve and Bucky
What: Catching up
Where: Rogers & Co. apartment
When: Backdated to June 15 (I'm slow. oops.)
Low/partial g-doc/closed

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )

Mar. 30th, 2018


Who: Steveling and Bucklet
What: Bucky got old
Where: Their apartment
When: Saturday morning
Closed/Ongoing/Low for now

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )

Feb. 22nd, 2018


Who: Darcy and Bucky
What: A visit
Where: Darcy’s Apartment
When: Wednesday (backdated)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )

Nov. 19th, 2017


Who: Steve and Bucky
What: Feels. Just...all of them
Where: Their room
When: late night
Rating: sad. (maybe language at some point)
Status: open only to those in the apartment/ongoing

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )

Jul. 9th, 2017


Who: Bucky and wee Luke
Where: in the kitchen
What: Feeding the little 'un.
When: Early morning.
Rating: TBD
Open: Yes to anyone staying at the Rogers'
Status: Ongoing.

... )

Sep. 14th, 2016


Who: Bucky
Where: Not far from the Cottage.
What: Not being a stalker
When: After work
Rating: TBD
Open: Yup (Though preferably Steve or Peggy)
Status: on going

~~~~~~ )

Aug. 10th, 2016


Who: Bucky
Where: The Cottage
What: Snagging some clothes
When: The 16th just after the door closed.
Rating: TBD
Open: To Steve, Peggy, and Mouse
Status: On going

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )

Aug. 3rd, 2016


Hand delivered to Bucky by James

Jul. 22nd, 2016


Left for Steve and Peggy )

Jul. 17th, 2016


Who: Bucky and Peggy
Where: The Cottage
What: Post Dream, freakout, begging
When: After this (it was only a dream)
Rating: Lots of snot, and drool, and tears.
Open: Only to Steve.
Status: Ongoing
~~~~~~~~ )

Jul. 13th, 2016


Backdated to Tuesday

To (big)Mouse )

Jul. 5th, 2016


Who: Bucky, Peggy, and Steve
Where: the cottage.
What: Bucky confesses.
When: After this
Rating: Badwords and screaming, talk about adultery.
Open: No
Status: Ongoing
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )

Jun. 20th, 2016


Who: Bucky
Where: The Gym
What: Dance moves/Lusty times
When: mid afternoon
Rating: Could possibly be high
Open: Yes
Status: on going

~~~ )

May. 19th, 2016


Who: Bucky and Peggy
Where: Their Cottage
What: Sexy stuff
When: After This
Open: To Steve
Status: Ongoing.

Where's the beef. )

May. 12th, 2016


Who: Bucky, Luke, and Steve
Where: The cottage
What: Fussy pants
When: Late night/early morning
Rating: TBD
Open: To Peggy
Status: On going

~~~~~~~~ )

Mar. 26th, 2016


Who: Peggy and Eggsy then Peggy and her boys
Where: The cottage and hospital
What: Labouring
When: Saturday mid-morning
Rating: High for language
Open: See above
Status: Ongoing

Read more... )

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