Who: Bruce, Discord, Wanda When: (Backdated) April 27, ~7AM Where: The Banner Residence What: Wanda wants to go to see the Avengers....Discord picks one to take her to Rating: Medium for Insanity Closed Ongoing
Who: Brucelet, big Bruce and Darcy Where: The apartment and the doors What: Going home and saying goodbye When: Backdated to 1st June 2014 Rating: Low but feelsy Status: Ongoing/incomplete.
Who: Maryanne and Bruce Where: The hospital What: Maryanne's checking things. When: After this Rating: TBD Open: To Clint, if he finds out. Status: On going ( ~~~~~~~~~~ )
Who: Steve (with dream!Peggy, Bucky and Bruce) Where: The cottage What: Steve still has nightmares sometimes, this is a new one When: Friday night Rating: High for themes Status: closed, complete (unless Peggy or Bucky wants to find him)
Who: Brucelet and Darcy Where: Bruce and Darcy's apartment What: Things went bump in the night When: Saturday late late night Rating: Low Status: closed, complete, gdoc
Who: Bruce Banner and Steve Rogers Where: Mitchell's Bar What: Advice and drinking and probably talking about Tony When: Friday 21st, 8pm Rating: TBD Open: Ask first but probably not
Who: TJ Where: The hospital What: Recovering When: Saturday afternoon Rating: High for talk of suicide Open: You know who you are. Status: Ongoing ( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )
Who: Darcy and Bruce and Everyone What: Wedding! Where: The park When: Forward-dated to Friday, Feb. 14, mid-afternoon Rating: variable depending on who's threading Status: Open/Ongoing/Multiple threads encouraged
Who: TJ Hammond Where: The hospital What: TJ's arrival When: Monday afternoon Rating: High for topic Open: To Peggy and Bruce and maybe Steve Status: Ongoing partially gdoced ( ~~~~~~~~~~ )