Who: Addie and Male!Shep Where: JR and Shep's apartment What: A confused Addie returns to adulthood. When: Backdated to the day this happened Rating: Low? Open: Nope
Who: Little!Addie and Shepard Where: JR & Shep's place What: Wake up call When: Saturday morning, early Rating: Low Open: To JR, other Sullys please ask first Status: Threaded scene, in progress
Who: Everyone! When: Lunch! Where: Food Court! What: A Lunch Feast as hosted by the beautiful Isabel on behalf of Thor's glorious and mighty return! Rating: E for Everyone Open!
Who: Addie and Henry Where: The medbay What: Introducing Henry to his new AI When: Friday afternoon Rating: Low? TBD Open: Ask first please Status: Threaded scene, in progress
Who: Shep and Addie Where: Shep and JR's apartment What: Meeting again for the first time When: Right after this so before the apartment got bigger. Rating: Low TBD Open: To Sullys, ask first please. Status: Thread in progress