Loki smiled kindly and then let out a sigh. This was not a topic he thought he ever needed to talk about. "Do you know how many friends my daughter has lost while she has been in this time? At least one a year. I've seen her grief. I've seen her despair and I've seen her lose all hope. People vanish. And while loss is part of life, no one is supposed to lose people this often, this quickly and feel this hopeless about it. Yet, no one does anything against it. No one tries to change it. I think that is one of the worst things for her. There is no hope. Maybe rightfully so. Maybe there is nothing we can do. But I have to at least try, don't I? How long till it is one of us who leaves or worse one of our children... If a day like this ever comes, it will be hard enough." The pain was unimaginable. "But it will be much worse if I had not given my best. The physical pain is easy to bear in comparison to this." There were other reasons too. But he did not mention them. There was no need. This one alone was enough.