Sunday, April 18th, 2010

who: Gizmo, Lukas Meadows, and Balthazar
what: A meeting of three that might not turn out so well...
where: the common room
when: Sunday morning
rating: Will start tame, but with time likely to skyrocket to R from language
note: posted again because I was awfully silly and stuck it in the wrong comm!

He was watching the news on television which, he knew, bored most people enough to make them leave him alone. )
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Monday, March 22nd, 2010

Who: Shock, Gizmo, and late appearence by Sam
What: Adventures and mysteries
Where: Shock's room, common room, library
When: Afternoon
Rating: PG-13 for some mild language

'I wasn't gonna let you stay there forever,' he assured her. )
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