Tuesday, March 16th, 2010

Who: Weetzie Bat and Jo Harvelle
Where: Weetzie's office
What: A bi-weekly ritual, and girl-talk.
Rating: I doubt beyond a PG-13.

It was a ghetto sort of endeavor, to say the least. )
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Monday, March 15th, 2010

Who: Jo & Lucifer Sam
Where: C215
When: Monday morning
What: Jo decides to bring Sam some supplies since he's saltless and demon-hounded
Rating: TBC

Leading the blind through their high and low times )
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Sunday, March 14th, 2010

nside, we all know, only the strong survive

WHO: Megan Nisos and Gabriel Gray.
WHAT: Meeting in so many ways.
WHERE: Sylar's "room", B101.
RATING: PG for now.
STATUS: In progress...

I'm immortal, immune to all that is wrong, Just keep on wishing, crossing my fingers so long )
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Saturday, March 13th, 2010

Who: Noah Peltzer and Jo Harvelle, surprise!Dean Winchester

Where: C118

What: Jo totally isn't being weird about this 'roommate' thing, same way she's never anything other than professional where Dean's concerned.

Rating: Warnings for cussin', because Ellen apparently didn't wash Jo's mouth out with enough soap. Also for traumatising of the Gizmo, because she's a heartless shrew sometimes.


One man's heaven is another man's hell / Every story has got two sides to tell )
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Monday, July 6th, 2009

Who: Johnny and Jeannie
What: Johnny feels like an ass.
When: Late night/early morning, Sunday/Monday
Where: Johnny's room, common room, then wherever.
Warnings: Language, violent imagery.

It was a conundrum. An impasse. And it was one that they would never overcome, and yet he was her master and using his final wish for something trite felt like a betrayal....an insult. )
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