Saturday, March 13th, 2010

Who: Itchy and Lilo
What: Meetings and odd cuteness
Where: Common Room
When: Mid afternoon
Rating: PG-13 for language around the kiddies.

Nice to meet ya Mister Itchy! )
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Thursday, January 28th, 2010

WHO: Portia and open
WHAT: Miss Piggy is hogging the limelight
WHERE: the corridor outside B106
WHEN: after Buddy left (backdated?)
RATING: PG I would hope. She is a Muppet.

She had received a note from Buddy )
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Tuesday, December 1st, 2009

Secret Plot!

Who: Anyone and Everyone, Staff and Patients.
Where: Inside the hospital.
When: This evening after the sun sets (about 6 pm)
Warnings: Well that depends on ya'll, I suppose.


[[As always, please approve all major plot through the mods. If you have any questions about what can and can't be done, please contact the mods. And have fun! Be creative! :D!]]
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Thursday, November 12th, 2009

Who: Jack Harkness and open
What: Observing and brooding
Where: The art room
When: Afternoon
Rating: G

Not exactly a rooftop, but... )
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Tuesday, September 22nd, 2009

WHO: Lilo & Stitch (Copyright ©Disney)
WHEN: Backdated: Last night, around 11pm.
WHAT: Lilo found "The Ugly Duckling"!
RATING: PG - for excessive cuteness?

six books about the most random of topics from mollusk farming, to constellations in the sky... )
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Wednesday, September 9th, 2009

WHO: Lilo & Stitch & Lucy Westenra
WHAT: Lilo learns of Stitch's fight with another patient!
WHEN: BACKDATED: Late Saturday evening; after this.
WHERE: Solitary confinement, and the area outside of solitary.
RATING: PG-13 for language.

What does that even mean?! )
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Saturday, September 5th, 2009

WHO: Lilo Pelekai & Peter Pan & OPEN TO EVERYONE!
WHAT: Lilo is going sprinkling!
WHERE: One of the open fields on the hospital's grounds!
WHEN: Today, around 2:50 pm!

she had never gone this long without swimming. )
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Tuesday, August 11th, 2009

WHO: Lilo Pelekai & OPEN!
WHAT: Lilo is BORED and feeling creative.
WHERE: Outside, by the courtyard.
WHEN: Late afternoon.
RATING: PG for now, depends on who shows up.

the theme was pirates! )
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Thursday, July 23rd, 2009

Who: Lilo & Lizzie!
What: The roommates meet
Where: Their room, of course!
When: Backdated to when Elizabeth arrived at CC.

Are those your panties? )

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Monday, July 13th, 2009

WHO: Lilo & Stitch (Copyright ©Disney)
WHERE: The C-Floor by room 212.
WHEN: Ten minutes after this was posted!
WHAT: Lilo and Stitch are making a slip n' slide!

This was going to be so much fun! )
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Monday, July 6th, 2009

Who: Johnny and Jeannie
What: Johnny feels like an ass.
When: Late night/early morning, Sunday/Monday
Where: Johnny's room, common room, then wherever.
Warnings: Language, violent imagery.

It was a conundrum. An impasse. And it was one that they would never overcome, and yet he was her master and using his final wish for something trite felt like a insult. )
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