Tuesday, July 6th, 2010

Who: Carey, Jack, Robin, and Zero (the kitty)
What: Group therapy take 2
Where: Jack's office
When: Afternoon
Rating: PG-13

I like chicken, I like liver, Meowmix Meowmix please deliver! )
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Monday, July 5th, 2010

Who: Shock and Dr. Jack
What: Family Therapy turned WWE smack down
Where: Jack's office
When: Afternoon
Rating: R for language

Don't go stress eating though, you'll end up with a gut. A little baby fat's kind of cute on you around the face, but don't go being a chunk-a-lunk. )
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Monday, June 28th, 2010

Who: Sam and Jack Skellingon
What: Destressing
Where: Sam's house
When: Back dated to Friday night
Rating: PG

I'm gonna kill you. A night of relaxation by freaking me out? You're nuts. )
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Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010

Who: Shock and Jack
What: Talking, Coffee, and Dead Jack
Where: Jack's office then doctor's break room
When: Early afternoon
Rating: PG-13 For Language.

You know where I can get a decent cup of coffee? Or do I have to dip into bribing you? Because I can only give you so much emo depressed poetry before I wanna bang my head against the all. )
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Sunday, June 20th, 2010

Who: Jack and Pinky
What: Talking about roommates
Where: Art Room
When: Early afternoon
Rating: PGish

Operation: Chocolate Chip Pancakes is a go. )
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Friday, June 11th, 2010

Who: Jack and Carey
What: Carey tells his story
Where: Carey's room then Solitary
When: Afternoon
Rating: PG-13

Don't lie for him if he hurt you, Carey. )
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Tuesday, June 8th, 2010

Who: Jack and Carey
What: Petting a kitty
Where: Jack's office
When: Afternoon
Rating: F for fluffy. (G for the sticklers)

'What is it?' He asked finally, even though he obviously knew it was a cat. )
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Thursday, June 3rd, 2010

Who: Pinky and Jack
What: Talking and making friends
Where: Art room then cafeteria
When: Afternoon
Rating: PG-13 for some language on Pinky's part

I got a trash can frown at me, did a few cartwheels in my knickers, and. . . Read ta Carey. )
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Tuesday, May 11th, 2010

Who: Pinky in the beginning then Jack and Carey
What: Getting Help
Where: Jack's office then Pinky's room
When: Backdated to Monday afternoon
Rating: PG-13

That's your choice to make. I want to be here to help you along and help you get better to the point where you won't need me anymore. )
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Saturday, April 24th, 2010

Who: Carey and Jack
What: Talking and painting
Where: The art room
When: Friday Afternoon
Rating: PG

It's hard to promise something like that if I don't know what it is, but you know me. You know I don't get mad very easily. )
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Saturday, April 17th, 2010

Who: Shock and Jack
What: Therapy and naps
Where: Jack's Office
When: Afternoon
Rating: PG-13 Language

There are a lot of things in life we wish we could do over, but we can't. What happened happened. You can't change it. )
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Saturday, April 3rd, 2010

Who: Jack & Sam & Weetzie & Spencer
What: Double date!
When: Friday night
Where: Sam's house
Rating: PG-13 to be on the safe side

if the children don't grow up, our bodies get bigger but our hearts get torn up )
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Saturday, March 27th, 2010

Who: Jack and Carey
What: The Talk
Where: Jack's office
When: Afternoon
Rating: pg-13 for explaining sex

H-how DO you uh. . . Do it? )
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Friday, March 26th, 2010

Who: Sam and Jack
What: Picnic lunch
Where: Jack's office then outside
When: noon
Rating: PG

Maybe we could picnic on the floor. I mean I’ve got all those empty bottles at home with a box full of unused candles. )
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Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010

Who: Jack and Carey
What: Session and talk of friends
Where: Carey's room then outside
When: Late Afternoon
Rating: PG-13

Are there things you wish you could tell her? )
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Sunday, March 21st, 2010

Who: Jack and Sam
What: Walking and movies
Where: The park then Jack's place
When: Backdated to Friday evening.
Rating: pg-13ish for boys kissings and stuff

Oh everything’s so beautiful! Now we have to have crazy vampire sex, it’s in the rules. Number 75 I believe. Right under ‘Always wear black’ and ‘Never stalk another vampire’s prey.’ )
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Thursday, March 18th, 2010

Who: Jack and Shock
What: Session numero uno
Where: Jack's office
When: Mid afternoon
Rating: pg-13 for language

I don’t take pills for anything Doc, you’re lucky that I take Midol. )
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Wednesday, March 17th, 2010

Who: Jack and Sam
What: Birthday Cake!
Where: Jack's Office
When: After work
Rating: PG

Morrissey is... I can't even explain. )
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Sunday, March 14th, 2010

Who: Carey, Robin, and Jack
What: Group session
Where: Jack's office
When: Mid afternoon
Rating: PG-13 and possibly up depending on what's dragged out.

It messed me up, need a second to breath, just keep coming around. )
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Friday, March 12th, 2010

Who: Shock and Jack
What: Ungrounding and some talking
Where: Shock's room
When: Evening right after dinner
Rating: PG-13 for language

There was NO WAY that she just looked at her doctor’s butt. . . Right? )
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