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Cheshire Crossings : Threads & Logs

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[17 Apr 2010|08:38pm]
Who: Shock and Jack
What: Therapy and naps
Where: Jack's Office
When: Afternoon
Rating: PG-13 Language

There are a lot of things in life we wish we could do over, but we can't. What happened happened. You can't change it. )
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[17 Apr 2010|10:55pm]
[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | Gizmo on guitar ]

Who?: Dean and Gizmo
Where?: C118
What?: Playing music, and learning to play music... and angst!
Rating?: Mild - the only thing to worry about is the whiplash you might get trying to follow Dean's moods / logic, as far as I know.
When?: Sometime after Noah and Jo's meet-up in the library.

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[ viewing | April 17th, 2010 ]
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