June 10th, 2008

[info]shutsumon in [info]specficwriters

Worldbuilding Project : Day Ten - Mood and Culture

Once again the quoted text comes from 30 Days of World-Building by Stephanie Bryant.

Day Ten - Mood and Culture

Settle on the overall mood for your story if you haven't already. Look through your timeline, political groups, and language notes and mark for revision anything that doesn't fit your mood. If you have time, revise those things. Otherwise, leave them for later.

This is another of those troublesome exercises. I suspect all of the mood exercises are going to be troublesome, because I'm not designing this world to be home to one story but multiple stories. That makes pinning down any one mood and noting things that don't fit difficult - because bits that don't fit one story might fit another. On the whole I suspect none of the stories are going to be comedy so I went through looking for things that might be comedic but I don't see anything excessively silly in what I've come up with so far and some of the stories will be darker and some will be lighter so there's not really a mood problem that I can see with anything.

This is probably a good thing since my throat's still sore and I still feel like crap so i coul;d do with a night off.