June 4th, 2008

[info]shutsumon in [info]specficwriters

Worldbuilding Project : Day Four - Planetary Cataclysmic Events

Am I boring people with this? If people don't want me to crosspost this here just speak up. And of course if you have any comments also speak up. Feedback very welcome.

Once again the quoted text comes from 30 Days of World-Building by Stephanie Bryant.

Aha, now this looks more like my cup of tea. Physical features, pre-prehistoric cataclysmic events, mountains, lakes etc. Yup! I can run with this one I think. Of course it helps that I already have some ideas. :-P

Anyway Day Four - Cataclysmic Events

For 15 minutes, jot down some of the Really Big Land Features you want in your story and just think "what if that were made by...." Write down a couple of causes for those features and scars, and stick it all into your notebook. Which scars are slow-force scars (like plate tectonics), and which are fast-forces (anything that takes less than 10,000 years is medium-to-fast in geological scales).

Right well in several places I need mountains including at least two ranges of mountains caused. where continents collided similar to the Himalayas and Andes.

Another mountainous region is a large island to the northwest of one of my continents that was formed in a very similar way to Iceland and is similarly volcanic.

I am also planning on at least one well defined Endorheic Lake at the northern fringe of my desert setting. It will be strongly based on the Caspian Sea and like said sea it will be less saline than the ocean not more so - but I get ahead of myself. Anyway also like the Caspian it formed when two continents collided and trapped part of the former ocean between them.

In the northern temperate latitudes I'd imagine you find the rolling valleys and "mysteriously" out of place rocks indicative of former glaciation since this world has had ice ages. And that will probably have triggered flood tales when it ended.

It might be interesting if there had been a tunguska/eastern mediterranean event type of impact in the recent enough past to have entered myth.

Rift valleys and fjords! (Not in the same place)

Ah, 15 minutes is up! See you tomorrow.