October 16th, 2007

[info]kittydesade in [info]specficwriters


So, I finally finished that stupid outline. And now I'm ready to start world building! To that end, I started looking over the outline, and that I started making a list of questions that I think will need to be answered when I write. This is the first part of the list, at least as far as I got before I decided to post a chunk of questions so that didn't get too overwhelming, and some other questions have already been asked and answered when I posted the first part of the outline.

(The outline is up on my journal, for those of you who want to see.)

Is there anything you think I've missed in the category of things already addressed? I probably should have addressed 'Gender Roles' in part two or something, since it looks like the second part is going to be mostly the social/human behavior aspects. Still, this is as it occurred to me? Thoughts, questions, comments, observations, etc?

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(Cross-posted to [info]fantasywriters)