Spam Community's Journal


1st December 2008

Liberi FataliSan Francisco. It’s a city of wonder, of diversity, and of things that go bump in the night. It’s a place where people can come to see the ocean side and enjoy all that a big city has to offer its people, and a place where even the most vicious of demons might find a good snack or two. And where you might find a great seafood dinner at Pier 39, you might also find the mangled remains of a person who’s been mysteriously drained of all their blood. But you don’t really have anything to worry about when visiting, because while San Francisco is neither fully safe or completely dangerous, it is home to the three greatest witches of our age – the Charmed Ones.

But times are hard for everyone, including the three sisters. Having recently lost the oldest and most powerful and gaining a long-lost and inexperienced sister, adjusting to their new lives has proven itself to be a challenge even after all they've been through. Meanwhile, Sunnydale's having their own fair share of problems, but with their big bad having gone and sought out something called "the Nexus" somewhere in San Francisco, the Scooby Gang has no choice but to follow.

So come one, come all to Everybody’s Favourite City, where you might find yourself a great dinner by the Bay, or be that great dinner by the Bay.


Liberi Fatali is an Insanejournal based roleplay game set in a world where the things that go bump in the night are bumped back, and focuses on the development of characters in a world where survival is truly of the fittest (or most clever). We are a community for serious writers who have joined Liberi Fatali not only to have fun at their character's more-than-likely-terrible expense, but to take advantage of the world the moderators have created for you. We make use of this Wiki by keeping track of characters, storylines, and, of course, the players that make up Liberi Fatali.


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