Space Bazaar
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Thursday, February 19th, 2009

    Time Event
    A wild Minato has appeared!
    *You're likely to find everything around the main street normal. Well, unless you count the boy with a pair of headphones, an odd school uniform, and blue hair sleeping just about near the middle of the street.

    He's, unfortunately, blissfully unaware of his change in environment. He doesn't like being woken up, but he's never been much for a temper.

    His MP3 player also appears to be running without his headphones in... might it be a good idea to wake him up so the batteries don't die?

    ((OOC: He's friendly, no worries. Doubt many'll be here for the moment, but P3 spoilers apply to anyone who minds.))

    Current Mood: sleepy
    A door opens on the main strip of the bazaar and a young lawyer enters, wincing at the cacophony of shouting voices. He takes a look around, blinking in surprise, and turns back to open the door he came through. Nothing there but somebody's house. He turns back to the line of stalls, streets crowded with people.

    "This...isn't Mister Wright's Office." he says, slowly. "What's going on here?"

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