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January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


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August 4th, 2020



[No Subject]


I think I'm lost. Well, no, I know I'm lost cause not only isn't this home but it isn't really other-home even though it kind of looks like it but that is NOT where Bloomies goes and it is definitely not camp and I KNOW that makes no sense but HELP PLS???



[No Subject]

[backdated to last night]

Left outside Thor's door is a plate of chocoate chip cookies with a stick it note that says: "I hope these bring a smile to your face. Enjoy! - Tia".


Knock, knock. Open your door. There's a surprise.


There are cookies in the kitchen! I'll be back. I'm going to take some to Draco.


Chocolate chip cookies coming your way! Fresh out of the oven.

[No Subject]

I am both ready and not ready for senior year. Bring it on I guess.


So can I add to your collection of plants with one of my own? I'll probably keep it in my room.


We need one last party before school starts. Whaddya say?


Enjoy having me full time while it lasts.

cut for drug talk - filtered to weed smokers )



[No Subject]

This cellphone would have made things a hell of a lot easier back home.

The name's Diego Hargreeves. Not so happy to be stuck in another time and place. It's getting real old.

[OOC: We are assuming he showed up at the apartment in the middle of the night and scared the crap out of his siblings and was brought up to date at that point.]



[No Subject]

Hey, I need to talk to you about something important. And yes, even if you try and avoid the subject I'm going to prod and poke anyway.

Hey, we should probably talk at some point.

Would you like to grab lunch sometime?



[No Subject]

Well, this is interesting, for lack of a better word. I am living with a bunch of people that are not my father, who is probably worried sick about where I am.

I am 12 years old and about to start the 8th grade and now I find myself here where I do not think I know anyone.

Now what?



Filter: Angel

I've got something for you. You don't have to use it if you don't want to, but it may make your time here easier.



[No Subject]

I feel like there have been a lot of new people lately, especially kids, so I just wanted to remind everyone that I make a lot of extra food and I love feeding people.

I might not be the worlds greatest cook, but I think I do okay. I'm used to helping cook for a family with particular preferences.

Anyway, the offer is always open if you need food.

Mary B.



[No Subject]

Is there a way to... I don't know... summon people?

Make a deal with the devil? Ask really nicely?

Asking for a boyfriend.

ooc- TUA2 spoilers in the comments.



[No Subject]


No one else think its weird that this thing is just picking up children? Just me. Okay.

um. I'm guess I'm your new car mechanic, if you have a car?