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January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


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December 1st, 2019



Network: Hugo Weasley

Is someone going around pretending to be an elf? Take your bloody present back.

Image of Hugo with snake under here )

Anyone want a snake?



[No Subject]

May I ask who, exactly, is in charge here?

This is breaking nearly every article of the Statute of Secrecy, I’ll have you know. Not to mention that popping people in and out without permission is in very poor taste.



[No Subject]

Consider me not free Tuesdays anymore, I've found a shrink potentially..I mean if it works out. If not I'll find another. But for now, yeah. Tuesdays.

[Tony Stark and Sam Wilson]

The Entity gave me Robbie.



[No Subject]

It has finally happened. I'm seein' things- that or there are fecking dwarves or elves running about. As long as none of them start singin' I think I'll survive.

Oi, Malsy wants to know if she can get her nails painted. Ye two want to go to the store and pick out more polish colors since clearly I dinnae own enough yet. We can also snag some of them nerf gun things and set up a course in the living room.



[No Subject]

Filtered to HP World
We have multiple things to investigate. My eldest son's birthday for one, and another being that so many of our family are here (I'm counting you, even if you're not related by blood). So, I was thinking we need to get together for dinner.

Tonight at 7pm. I've reserved the conference room downstairs. I'd have expanded my living room, but I don't want to put Jim and Natasha out in any way.



[No Subject]

Last night, I dreamt of Sakar and awake to see someone had gifted me a pet rock, I have named him Korg.

Do you enjoy the Midgard Holidays? I have been invited to an event of Tony's in which we will feast and enjoy tree pageantry. Would you like to come?

Where you serious about wanting me to move in to your apartment?



[No Subject]

[ Team Beacon Hills ]

Allison's here. I felt her dy We're at the clinic, they're working to save her now.



fred weasley -- 001

Best. Prank. Ever.

Happy birthday to us! Two questions for you, Georgie: You couldn't find a better name than 'Jublient Entity'? How the hell did you pull this one off, you one-eared genius?

Where's this flat 1-I? Note says it's mine, and I suspect that's where the presies are.



[No Subject]

I never realized I needed a musical based on Jagged Little Pill until tickets appeared out of nowhere in my apartment this morning and I found this article about it. I'm not even a musical person but I'm so excited about this, as it's one of my favorite albums. Max, we're going to the theatre on Saturday!



[No Subject]

I guess I've ignored the outside world for long enough. Now that I know this isn't a dream, or another prison world, or something I unintentionally did.



[No Subject]

[Ric Saltzman]

So. Are you planning on avoiding me forever? Just curious.



[No Subject]

Just when I thought things were calming down and going back to normal... I'm abducted by some kind of weird, happy entity?? This isn't okay! Is it? Is everyone here actually okay? I mean, I've been through all kinds of shenanigans, but this is... something else entirely!!

Ummm, hi, I guess, by the way. Is anyone I know here? Alex, J'onn, Lena, Brainy, James... Bueller? Anybody??? Please say somebody is.