Some Reality Web
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January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


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October 20th, 2019



[No Subject]

Words first used in printed English the year I was born: crunch time, always-on, endorphin, Ethernet, idiotproof, skeevy, skill set, video card, wannabe, trail mix, smart-mouthed, fanfic, drum machine, butterfly effect, chromodynamics, body piercing, medical marijuana, meme.

[Lily Evans, Andromeda Tonks]
Are you looking for a job?

[Steve Rogers]
I don't remember if I actually thanked you. So, thanks.



[No Subject]

What's your favorite candle scent?



[No Subject]

Logan!? Lockheed!?

Who exactly is this Entity? And where the hell am I!? All I did was fall asleep on the plane back to the Institute, and unless I magically gained Kurt's abilities overnight? I'm pretty sure I'm not responsible.

Yeah. I didn't do this.




Scott & Lydia

Let's go explore this new place.



[No Subject]

...More downtime? I wanted my lab. I miss my lab.



[No Subject]

I'm already scouting for a good home base location for an epic snowball war, assuming this keeps up.

Anyone who wants to be considered for recruitment for the winning team, can toss their name out now.

No where will be considered neutral ground so I suggest you pick a side now or else be prepared to get beaned with no backup. I don't take any prisoners. Consider this your first and last warning.



[No Subject]

Would someone care to explain how I traveled from Los Angeles to New York in a matter of seconds, without stepping through a portal?



[No Subject]

Filtered to Alice [info]stillhot

Hey, babe.

Two things. One, I think that we should give the kids a furlough. I'm still pissed off at them but maybe freezing their asses off is still a punishment.

Two, will you marry me?



[No Subject]

Me kingdom for some sodding rum.

Version of me da is here.




You, me, hot apple cider, and a blanket by a window with a view of the snow?