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January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


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July 7th, 2019



[No Subject]

I'm bored.

What do you guys do all day?



[No Subject]

Is this some kind of joke? Barry? Ollie? More payback for not doing the crossover?


This is Sara Lance, Captain of the Wave Rider. Gideon, Ray, Mick - if you're here, check in.



[No Subject]

(trigger warnings: substance abuse)

Private messages to Klaus & Tony )



[No Subject]

This place has proven to be amazing. I never thought I'd be traveling in time yet here I am, 200 years in my past. The best part of all this has been the books. I love books and most everything is electronic in my time or we can actually live through a book on the holodeck. I admit that's fun but there's nothing better to me than to hold the actual book in my hands, wondering who else has touched it, what they thought of it, where it's been. I'm sure I sound like a lunatic to some of you but I swear I'm not.

So for those of you who are from Earth in this century, what are some good books that I should try to find?



[No Subject]

[Tony, Cisco]
I’ve been working on isolating a few of my nanites to get at the tracking data on them, which is... not exactly what they were designed for, but oh well. I didn’t actually want them to be easily accessible or easy to work with so even now I’ve gotten at them I’m still faced with a whole lot of this:

NT_039230.5_16648	3	50954934	50954934	A/G	A/G	-	-	-	-
NT_039230.5_16813	3	50955099	50955099	A/G	A/G	-	-	-	-
NT_039230.5_16854	3	50955140	50955140	A/G	A/G	-	-	-	-
NT_039230.5_17226	3	50955512	50955512	A/T	A/T	-	-	-	-
NT_039230.5_17467	3	50955753	50955753	C/T	-	C/C	-	-	-
NT_039230.5_17535	3	50955821	50955821	G/A	-	G/G	-	-	-
NT_039230.5_17546	3	50955832	50955832	T/C	-	T/T	-	-	-
NT_039230.5_17680	3	50955966	50955966	A/T	A/T	A/A	A/A	-	-
NT_039230.5_17733	3	50956019	50956019	T/C	T/C	T/T	T/T	-	-
NT_039230.5_17875	3	50956161	50956161	-	A/G	-	A/A	-	-
NT_039230.5_18136	3	50956422	50956422	-	T/C	-	T/T	-	-
NT_039230.5_18394	3	50956680	50956680	T/C	-	-	-	-	-
NT_039230.5_18547	3	50956833	50956833	T/C	-	-	T/T	-	-
NT_039230.5_18560	3	50956846	50956846	A/G	-	-	-	-	-
NT_039230.5_18598	3	50956884	50956884	C/A	-	-	C/C	-	-
NT_039230.5_18673	3	50956959	50956959	A/G	-	-	-	-	-
NT_039230.5_18698	3	50956984	50956984	C/G	-	C/C	C/C	-	-
NT_039230.5_18800	3	50957086	50957086	T/C	-	T/T	T/T	-	-
NT_039230.5_18808	3	50957094	50957094	T/C	-	T/T	T/T	-	-
NT_039230.5_18849	3	50957135	50957135	C/T	-	C/C	-	-	-
NT_039230.5_19001	3	50957287	50957287	T/C	T/C	T/T	T/T	-	-
NT_039230.5_19151	3	50957437	50957437	-	C/A	C/C	C/C	-	-
NT_039230.5_19240	3	50957526	50957526	-	C/T	C/C	-	-	-
NT_039230.5_19244	3	50957530	50957530	-	A/G	A/A	-	-	-

Looks like a genome sequence, is not actually a genome sequence. So I’ve still got to track back about three weeks and pull out anything from a day or two either side of when we arrived here, extract out the actual code hidden in there that Vision helped me develop, and see if they recorded anything unusual that might give us a clue what exactly happened at the moment we were brought here. Which is a big if, but it’s not like we’ve got much else to go on right now.

Needless to say I’ve got my project for the next few weeks/months sorted.

Out of curiosity. How close did Steve and I work, exactly?

I feel like we need a compilation of gyms and workout spaces in the area. I found a climbing gym about five and a half blocks west with some decent grades. If you’re a multitasker pair with voice memos, podcasts or audio books for best effect.

(Before any smartass asks, no, climbing is not redundant when you can fly, and it’s good conditioning work anyway.)