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Tuesday, November 10th, 2009

    Time Event
    Harry is a dragon and Snape cares for him
    I'm looking for this fic where Harry becomes a baby dragon (I think they used the term wyvern in the fic) It was a curse, or a botched animagus change - I can't recall.

    I remember that Snape was the one to care for him and wyvern!harry was very attached to him. Snape set up a habitat for wyvern!harry, and it had to be tropical or something. I remember something on how wyvern!harry broke out because he missed Snape.

    Ring any bells? *hopeful*

    EDIT: wtf, I just found it myself *facepalms*
    those interested it's called "Caeruleus"

    Current Mood: hopeful

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