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Wednesday, June 17th, 2009

    Time Event
    I am looking for a rather specific piece of fanfiction. It contains the pairing of Severus/Harry as well as time travel. Harry is sent back to the time of the founders and winds up being blood adopted by Salazar Slytherin as his brother. He lives out his life for a time in the Founders' era, but he is sent back. There are journals kept by his son, and he later reads them. What really stuck in my head was the fact that only one person, Severus, found out that Harry used to be Harry Potter before he became Salazar Slytherin's brother. Also, Harry blood adopts a little boy who is descended from him in the story.

    That is all I can remember really. If someone could help me, I would be most grateful.


    X-posted at [info]hpslash and my journal.

    EDIT: [info]eemilyvrl and [info]lislemojin pointed out that it was Crumbling Pedestal by Shivani. Thanks, dears!

    Current Mood: sleepy
    Current Music: Lady Gaga - I Like It Rough

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