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Sunday, January 20th, 2008

    Time Event
    I'm hurting my brain trying to figure out where this story is. Help please... lol Its been at Borgin and Burkes, snarryficfind on lj, my journal, and in a second snarryficfind in ij. Forgive the crossposting like whoa!

    Searching for a 5th Year Hogwarts Story
    This was lifted off Borgin and Burkes.

    I am currently looking for this story I read a while ago. I believe
    it takes place during Harry's 5th year. He has a vision that Voldemort had taken Sirius hostage and he rushes to his godfather's house to see if he is there. Snape ends up spanking/caning Harry with everyone's blessing. Harry changes and becomes withdrawn and tries to be perfect.

    Has anyone read this before? I would love to know the name and or the author of this story. Thanks in advance for the help.

    If this sounds familiar, please let me know. It' not my search, so I don't have any more info than this

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