The Snape_Potter Daft Day Snarry Swap

January 13th, 2009

Snarry Swap


January 13th, 2009

Happy Daft Day, [info]inoru_no_hoshi!

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Recipient: [info]inoru_no_hoshi
Title: Definition of Need
Author: [info]asnowyowl
Rating: Mature/NC-17
Warnings: Non-magic AU, teacher/student, Chan (15 years old), mention of SS/BW.
Prompt/Summary: Severus Snape lives a lonely life until he finds what it means to be needed.
A/N: Set in the United States. Non-magic AU. Wonderfully beta’d by bk7brokemybrain. [info]inoru_no_hoshi, I didn’t use as many of your kinks as I would have liked, but I hope you enjoy the story.

Definition of Need )

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