12 August 2009 @ 08:11 am
Team Snitch Entry (FIC): "D For Defender" by Amand-r  
Title: D For Defender
Author: Amand-r ([info]amand_r)
Team: Snitch
Genre(s): Alive and Kicking (EWE)
Prompt(s): Green Lantern, Enemy At The Gate
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: NC-17; Highlight if you wish to know: *contains fisting, some violence. Some canon deaths ignored. Also? Kinda cracky.*
Word Count: 28,000+ some
Author Notes/Disclaimers/Betas Thanks to [info]jadzialove for being the best sidekick beta evar, cleaning up parts 1-3. [info]joanwilder, aka Alfred, hit all of it, especially part 4, with a batarang of spag. All italicized bumper quotes from The Tick: The Animated Series.

Summary: There's a man stalking the Wizarding world. Or a bat. Maybe a Man-Bat. Severus is probably having an affair, Harry's tired all the time, oh, and those drunks out in East Anglia are complaining about the green lights. Again.

D For Defender by Amand-r )

Mod note: If you rec this story, please link this POST, not the story url, or the author will not get her proper vote tally. Thank you!
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12 August 2009 @ 08:47 pm
Team Cauldron Entry (FIC): "Lust Potion Number Nine" By LesYeuxVerts  
Title: Lust Potion Number Nine
Author: [info]chiralove
Team: Cauldron
Genre: Alive and Kicking
Prompts: Love And Marriage, Play The Game
Rating/Warning/Kinks: PG13; Warnings: Highlight if you wish to know: **Het (not explicit) and non explicit/mention of non-Snarry Pairings (Harry/Ginny, Harry/Viktor, Harry/unspecified male)**
Word Count: ~14,000
A/N: Please note that this is intended to be AU with regards to the timing of the epilogue; Harry and Ginny were married immediately after the war, rather than several years later. Nothing which you recognize from the HP universe belongs to me, alas. The boys would have so much more fun with me…

Huge thanks to [info]jin_fenghuang, [info]rgrayjoy, and [info]carpet_diemon for all of the help, support, and brainstorming while I wrote; to my teammates for the support, encouragement, and concrit; to [info]psyfic, [info]jin_fenghuang, and [info]angela_snape for being the best beta-readers a girl could ask for; and to the mods, for putting on this fabulous fest and being extraordinarily patient with me. Thank you all so much!

Summary:Harry Potter was the last person Severus expected to need this particular potion, but the Ministry's Propagation and Restoration Emergency Guidelines have them both trapped in lives they don't particularly want to lead.

Lust Potion Number Nine by Lesyeuxverts )

Mod note: If you rec this story, please link this POST, not the story url, or the author will not get her proper vote tally. Thank you!
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