30 May 2008 @ 08:20 am
TEAM PHOENIX ENTRY: MistressMaraj "Into the Abyss"  
Title: Into the Abyss
Author: [info]mistressmaraj
Team: Phoenix
Genre(s): Angst
Prompt(s): Kiss, Forgiveness
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: NC-17; *Harry is 17, major character death, non-con, non-graphic torture, dark themes, swearing, homophobic terminology*
Word Count: ~14,000
Summary: Brutally attacked by a Dementor the day after the final battle, Harry struggles to find his way back to himself and defeat Voldemort...again. Will Snape, who has his own agenda, be able to save Harry from himself?
A/N: Please heed the warnings. Canon-compliant through the end of Deathly Hallows. Many thanks to my betas: [info]leela_cat, who put up with a lot of missed deadlines and cut a lot of text which will thankfully never see the light of day, as well as [info]ziasudra who jumped in to help with very little notice. This story was vastly improved with their efforts. Any remaining mistakes are my own. The lovely, hardworking mods will always have my greatest respect for running the best fest of the year and thank you for not killing me after missing a deadline or two. Thanks also to [info]perverse_idyll for some fantastic ideas and discussion on angst.
Disclaimer: Not mine. You know the drill.

Into the Abyss by Mistress Maraj )
30 May 2008 @ 09:28 pm
TEAM DRAGON ENTRY: ThreeSidedOrchid "Learning to Speak"  
Title: Learning to Speak
Author: ThreeSidedOrchid ([info]synn)
Team: Dragon
Genre(s): Romance
Prompt(s): Ashes of Youth, St. Mungo's
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: Pg-13, *Pre-slash*; The shameless bastardization of beloved Dr. Seuss story for my own purposes.
Word count: Approx. 10,000
Summary: "Most men spend their lives trying to either brush off the ashes of their youth, or rekindle them. The truth is that the only way to move forward is to accept them. "
A/N: Many, many thanks to the Mods, for not only organizing the games, but also for their patience and understanding. Also, this story would not exist in any intelligible form if it weren't for the beta work of Bironic (LJ), [info]jadzialove, [info]mimiheart and [info]klynie1. I'm fairly sure I owe a portion of my soul to each of you for saving this story, Thank you. And My thanks too, to the other members of team dragon, particularly [info]joanwilder, for all of your support and encouragement along the way.
Disclaimer:The Harry Potter universe belongs to JKR, WB, and probably a few others whose names I don't know, not me. I make no money off this story, it is written for the sole purpose of attempting to entertain a few people.

Learning to Speak by ThreeSidedOrchid )