22 April 2008 @ 08:05 am
TEAM PHOENIX ENTRY: Jin Fenghuang "Fridays at Half Seven"  
Title: Fridays at Half Seven
Author: [info]jin_fenghuang
Team: Phoenix
Genre(s): Post-war
Prompt(s): Optical Illusion, Time Capsule
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: NC-17; *Polyjuice gender-bending/het, dub-con*
Word Count: +12,000
Summary: Five years after the war and all is not well. The dream Harry had of a family, a happily ever after, was just that: a dream. Ginny has left him and his friends are caught up in building their own lives. With nothing more interesting than the latest Quidditch scandal to report on the media has turned to stalking Harry, documenting his slow descent into infamy. If only there were a way for him to escape their unwanted attention...
A/N: People I owe big froufrou drinks: Ziasudra, Lesyeuxverts and R. Thank you!

Fridays at Half Seven by Jin Fenghuang )
22 April 2008 @ 07:56 pm
TEAM DRAGON ENTRY: Centaury_Squill "Lost and Found"  
Title: Lost and Found
Author: [info]centaury_squill **See the Author's Master List HERE: Archive**
Team: Dragon
Genre(s): Romance
Prompt(s): Career Change, St Mungo's
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: NC-17. *Harry is 17 in one (flashback) scene, AU after Chapter 31 of Deathly Hallows.*
Word Count: approx 16,000
Summary: After Lord Voldemort's defeat Harry finds Snape again in a new setting. Events conspire against the former Potions master, and Harry enlists the support of his friends to clear Snape's name. But Neville is absorbed in his beloved plants, Ron is less than enthusiastic, and Hermione has problems of her own — while Snape himself seems to have forgotten something important...
A/N: Thanks to G and Team Dragon (especially our hard-working captain, [info]joanwilder) for help, encouragement and beta-work. Any remaining mistakes are my own.

Lost and Found )