22 March 2007 @ 09:10 pm
Congratulations to the Triatha-Ron!!  

Original poster: djin7

ANNOUNCEMENT: Our first official affiliate, the [info]triatha_ron Games, has just completed their inaugural Games!!

The [info]triatha_ron is a Ron-centric ficathon based in part on the model of [info]snarry_olympics.

The TriathaRon had Teams of Het, Gen and Slash writers pitted against each other for a friendly competition which has just finished their inaugural run!

Maintained by the most awesome [info]mad_maudlin, [info]marginaliana, and [info]tarie, who have just posted the MASTER LIST of all the entries! Go check it out HERE, and see the Ron ♥LOVE♥!

Congratulations to the Triatha-Ron teams and moderators for their first ever Games!!

♥The Snarry Games Mod Squad.