11 January 2007 @ 12:13 am
The only thing constant in the world is change  

Original poster: djin7


I hope everyone is getting excited about the upcoming 2007 Games! I sure am.

Last year, when we sent out invites to join our little project to herald the Grand Re-Opening of Walking The Plank, we were expecting a much smaller response. I honestly didn't believe that many Snarry writers would be so keen to participate, given both the blow canon gave us in The Half Blood Prince, and all the fests that were already happening.

Boy, was I mistaken. Not only was I surprised with the flurry of positive responses, but the lj community expressed their desire to join in!

Well, we were chuffed, naturally, and excited. The teams ended unevenly, so a sign-up post was held to level the playing field. The response to the sign-up post was even more overwhelming. Unfortunately, we had to cap it somewhere. As the user info states, this is a limited sign up competition, by necessity. Two stories a day for nearly a month meant that most people could barely keep up.

Unfortunately, capping the teams meant that some people who had asked to play could not. We did a Lottery for those who signed up: those who were not chosen and the lovely writers who did Closing Games Drabbles for us were automatically guaranteed* an invite to this year's Games out of appreciation.

This year, we sent out those invites. We also invited last year's Champions to play again, as a thank you for their support and their excellent contributions to our project. A few authors who were invited to compete last year but were unable to, asked to be considered for this year. They received theirs as well.

The teams have increased in members by 50%. We were unable to do a general sign-up as a result.

This means two things:

  1. Based on last year's guaranteed invites alone, the 2007 Winter Snarry Games has their final teams. Thirty-three Competitors with three Alternates per team. Two stories a day for more than month.

  2. As a result of not having a lottery this year, in 2008, we are committed to having a number of spaces to be available for sign-up contestants

For now, though, there are still ways to participate.

Last year's Drabblers were among our most popular features of the Games. We welcome Closing Games Drabblers again this year, however, we can no longer guarantee* an invite to the succeeding Games. We can, however, guarantee a readership of those drabbles to the tune of more than 1400 readers, and the chance to showcase your wares using Snarry Games prompts. Details will be posted soon.

I have no words to express how thankful I am that so many people want to participate in this little fest of mine, and I truly wish I could sign up everyone who wants to play.

I still want everyone to enjoy themselves, reading and voting, writing and participating. I truly hope you do. ♥


11 January 2007 @ 10:46 pm

Original poster: snarrymod



Our most esteemed 2007 Snarry Games Teams have already been given this list of prompts to peruse for several days.

Today, they must each commit to a Genre and a Prompt. Then games will BEGIN!

Each author has to choose their GENRE. They will be judged on how well they used this when their entry is posted, on a scale 1 of to 10.

Genres are:

  1. Romance

  2. Angst

  3. Humour

  4. Horror

  5. Hurt/Comfort

  6. Alternate Universe

Participants may choose up to two (2) genres, and they must be listed here along with their prompt of choice.

The judges will rate each entry based on genre, prompt, and overall performance.

So, without further ado, your prompt list, from which you can pick ONE (1):

2007 Winter Games Prompt List )

*Participants: Please list your Team (Wartime or Postwar), your Genre(s), and your *prompt here:

*Alternates do not have to choose at this time. More than one person may choose the same prompt.

REMEMBER: Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success!

Good luck!