January 9th, 2008

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Fic: "MS Found With An Abandoned Time Turner", chapters 1-3

MS Found With An Abandoned Time Turner, by Arionrhod and McKay
Rated: R
Pairings: Remus/Severus, Serenus/Tybalt, Regulus/Gaius
Summary: A Snark and Bark RPG Alternate Reality, in which the Snape brothers were not separated at birth; this story depicts how their lives might have been had they grown up together.

Notes: We've been meaning to write this for quite some time, and we finally got around to doing it. This is a long story. Really long. For that reason, we're breaking it up and posting it in sections, and we're starting today in honor of Severus and Serenus' birthdays.

Please don't panic at us that this story means Sirius and Gaius are going to break up and Regulus is going to be a home-wrecker in the game; they aren't, and he isn't. We only included the R/G pairing because we couldn't write someone else's character extensively in the story plus with the massive screwing-up of both book canon and game canon we did, we couldn't assume Sirius would come back through the Veil, and we didn't want either Regulus or Gaius to end up alone, lonely, and celibate.