July 5th, 2008

[info]cocoa_cardigan in [info]snark_n_bark

Changes and Comparisons

Characters: Severus, Remus, Cymbeline, Regulus
Summary: Regulus runs into part of the Snape clan, with unexpected results

Black and White )

[info]die__trying in [info]snark_n_bark

Pink scarves and shocks

Characters: Neville, Gawain, Oliver
Summary: A chance meeting of former housemates leads to a shock for one of them

Pink scarves and shocks )

[info]die__trying in [info]snark_n_bark

Just because I'm losing

Character: Oliver (mentions of Harry and Faelan)
Summary: Oliver finds Haven's Loft...and another shock (immediately follows this scene )

Doesn't mean I'm lost )