May 16th, 2008

[info]ensnared_senses in [info]snark_n_bark

An Unwanted Summons

Characters: Severus, Minerva, possibly Remus
Summary: Severus feels the pull anew.

An Unwanted Summons )

[info]mummys_boy in [info]snark_n_bark

Ghosts of the Past Haunting the Present

Characters: Gaius, Harry, Regulus, Sirius
Summary: After twenty-some years, Regulus is summoned once more.

Ghosts of the past haunting the present )

[info]oz_keeper in [info]snark_n_bark

Here we go, here we go

Characters: Ron and Hermione
Summary: Hermione wakes up and tells Ron what happened

Here we go again )

[info]dyingforakiss in [info]snark_n_bark

I'm going to fulfil what's my mission divine

Characters: Barty, Padma
Summary: Barty is pulled first one way, and then another.

Exterminate annihilate destroy )

[info]cocoa_cardigan in [info]snark_n_bark

Toucha toucha toucha touch me

Characters: Severia, Remus
Summary: Cuddling and a bit more
Note: Occurs before this scene.

Thrill me, chill me, fulfill me, creature of the night... )

[info]walk_on_snark in [info]snark_n_bark

It feeds the dark obsessions

Characters: All shall bow to me.
Summary: I can feel the pull; I will live again.

Of a generation conceived in sin )