May 5th, 2008

[info]dyingforakiss in [info]snark_n_bark

Show me my leader and i'll pledge obedience

Characters: Barty
Summary: Recovering himself, Barty sets out on a very different path.
Immediately follows this scene

Whisper the name of the enemy mine )

[info]ensnared_senses in [info]snark_n_bark

Marked Anew

Characters: Remus, Severus
Summary: Severus finds he's a Marked man again. Follows this scene.

Marked Anew )

[info]savage_storm in [info]snark_n_bark

Meanwhile and (not so) Far Away

Characters: Serenus, Tybalt, two sleepy babies
Summary: Cuddle time and desperate shagging

I can feel it, I can feel it all begin... )

[info]oz_keeper in [info]snark_n_bark

I hear that voice in my head

Characters: Ron and Harry
Summary: Finding out about Hermione (about 12 hours after this scene )

Saying here we go again )