June 21st, 2019



WHO: Leia Organa & Starkiller
WHAT: Starkiller is a brat?
WHERE: Between the screening area and Leia's place.
WHEN: Barely into Clint's birthday movie screening. :E
RATING: Low. Maybe there will be yelling?

The Princess certainly hadn’t glanced back since she left, walking at a quick pace. )



Who: Scott Lang and Natasha Romanoff
When: Backdated to June 17 after the movie
Where: Wherever the movie was
What: Cleaning up, chatting
Rating: PG at least because of talk of dying, not dying, apocalypses, all the things that Endgame brings out in people.
Warnings: See Above, shouldn't get above that

Is it normal to be this confused when you first get here? )