The Severus Snape Newsletter


August 6th, 2010

cardigrl @ 07:43 pm: Mod Post
It's been a while since our last mod post, so we thought we should update a few of the guidelines for [info]snapenews

We will only cover a very limited amount of Severus/Harry, Severus/Hermione, and Severus/Remus, as these pairings have newsletters of their own. Respectively: [info]sshp_prophet, the SSHG Weekly Update at Love Draughts, and [info]snupin_prophet. We do link to those newsletters.

In addition, we will link to fics and art of any genre and/or Snape-centric pairing in our recently recommended section that has been recommended at least three times on LiveJournal, InsaneJournal, and/or Dreamwidth. That includes all fics and art, whether submitted as part of a fest or otherwise.

When sending us information about a fic or art to be recommended, please include all important information about the fic or art (title, author/artist, pairing, rating, and warnings) as well as the three links to where it has been recommended. WIPs may be recommended more than once if at least five chapters have been posted since the last time it was included. 

Thank you, and we now return you to our regularly scheduled program.

bethbethbeth @ 10:47 pm: Issue #939, Thurs/Fri, Aug 5/6, 2010
Hello, and welcome to today's issue of [info]snapenews. Thank you all for your continuing support and useful links! Feel free to comment (either below or at and let us know how we're doing!


  • The rules for Snupin Santa 2010 have been posted.


  • Sign ups are ongoing for the Snape_Potter Daft Day snarry Swap. Click for links to sign-ups on all the journaling sites!
  • The August Challenge on [info]snapedom: Snape Mentoring Harry
  • This week's challenge on [info]snarry100 is Snape Manor.


  • The SSHG Weekly Update has been posted for Friday, August 6.



  • [info]pollicem wrote "Accounting for Regulus" (Snape/Regulus. R.)

    WIP Updates - Het

  • [info]pretend_mulling has posted chapter five of "A Stroke Of Luck" (Snape/Lily. R.)

    DISCLAIMERS: The warnings listed here are those given by the artist/author/poet. Please pay attention to all ratings and warnings when following links.

    We aim to bring you the latest Snape-centric items in the fandom but some might slip through the net! You can help to ensure this doesn't happen by sending us links via email to There are submission guidelines in the [info]snapenews user profile, but for the 'Today in' sections we just require the basic title/creator/rating/warnings/link info.

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